1508 W San Pedro St
Gilbert, AZ 85233
(480) 896-2490
Addiction is a menace that affects millions upon millions of people across the United States. As this epidemic continues to gain steam, many of those struggling with substance abuse find themselves at a loss as to where they can turn to get the tools they need to overcome addiction. Part of what’s so insidious about addiction is the fact that it can obscure the way forward, and creates a number of internal barriers to achieving recovery. Fortunately, at Barnes Institute, our Gilbert, Arizona addiction recovery center is waiting to provide clients with the essential elements for defeating substance abuse. If you or someone you care about is in need of a drug detox clinic, consider.
Most of the clients who enter our Gilbert, Arizona drug abuse treatment facility begin by taking part in supervised detox. During detoxification, your body will purge anything unsavory that substance abuse might have left behind in your blood stream. This process can sometimes be accompanied by the symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal can be an intensely uncomfortable process, especially when a person attempts to undergo it on their own, after going “cold turkey” off of their substance of choice. However, this is not the best idea. At best, it can be incredibly uncomfortable, and at worse, it can be dangerous.
Fortunately, during supervised detox, you’ll have the benefit of having one of our friendly and well-trained staff members on hand around the clock. Our staff will do everything in their ability to mitigate any discomfort you might have, and you can be assured of your safety throughout the detox process. While it still may not be the most enjoyable experience of your life, you will find that having a friendly and sympathetic ear nearby is an excellent way to ensure you can manage to complete detox and move on to the next phase of recovery.
At our Gilbert, Arizona addiction recovery facility, we offer a variety of therapeutic recovery options. One of the most popular programs we provide is group therapy. During group therapy, you will meet with your peers to discuss your experience, and listen to their experiences. You will soon discover how rewarding it can be to share your wisdom with other clients, and how informative it can be to learn from their experiences, as well. In fact, although many clients are reticent to begin group therapy, many soon come to acknowledge that it is their favorite part of our addiction recovery program. In some cases, it can even provide the foundation for a sober support system that lasts long after you’ve graduated.
Barnes Institute wants our clients to know that we’re by their side for every step of their recovery journey. For that reason, we provide every client with an aftercare plan, to ensure their recovery continues after they’ve left our Gilbert, Arizona addiction recovery treatment center. Our goal is to ensure as many clients achieve their recovery goals as possible!