When you enter our drug rehab center, you’ll be enrolling in a program that utilizes the cutting edge of addiction recovery treatment in order to provide our clients with the best care possible. No matter how you came to be entrenched in addiction, we’re here to provide you with the tools you need to get on the road to recovery. While other drug addiction treatment centers may provide a standardized plan for care, with each client being give the same recovery treatments and adhering to the same schedules, at our drug detox clinic, we emphasize how invaluable a customized addiction recovery plan can be.
You’ll begin by taking part in an in-depth interview with one of our addiction technicians. During this interview, you’ll be asked a wide spectrum of questions that will cover a whole variety of subjects, including details about your history of substance abuse, your substance of choice, the duration of use, and any history your family might have of abusing substances. Some of this information might seem like it won’t be necessary, but trust that this wide spectrum of detail will be used to create a personalized recovery plan that targets the areas where you need extra care and accommodates accordingly.